Consulting Services

Some things you may be encountering that other growers are having a hard time resolving:

  • Pest pressure: there are any number of pests your plants can host. Aphids and Thrips are common in outside grows while Two-Spotted, Spider and Hemp Russet Mites are know to attack indoor grows. These guys literally suck the life out of your plants and some pests such as Thrips transmit diseases to your plats such as Mosaic Virus. White Flies and Fungus gnats, grasshoppers and ants. There is all manor of bugs wanting to attack you plants.

  • You may have Septoria, Powdery Mildew or other fungal concerns that if left unchecked will kill your crop.

  • Maybe you have some minor deficiency showing in the leaves. That is the plants way of telling you what it needs. If not dealt with timely it can easily affect your final product. Perhaps it causes weak branching and breakage, small bud site development and overall low yield OR it may mean the loss of the whole crop due to weak plants being infested with pests.

  • Pre-flowering is a main issue we see growers have when growing outdoors. Cannabis is photosensitive and requires quite specific time periods of light and dark in order for it to stay in a vegetative state or a flower state. There’s science in nature!

  • You might have Mother stock that is weak, leggy and doesn’t produce enough clones to make it worth your while. Stock plants are great source of continued “free” plants for you to flower if you have the proper licensing. Stock plants have certain needs and ways to trim and train that differ from vegetative plants. There is also a point at which Mothers lose their vigor and must be replenished.

  • Perhaps you are struggling with your indoor environments. Keeping in line with the correct VPD for what you are trying to accomplish is very important. Temperature, humidity, lighting, CO2, airflow all have very important roles to play in not only the different stages of growth but also in drying and curing.

  • Dry and Cure like an expert! You do not want to have a great run only to drop the ball at the very end and ruin your crop with Bo-Bo-Bo-Botrytis. I hate even spelling it. This is a deal breaker for farmers and have sent many packing taking major losses with them. It does NOT have to be that way. There are fungal pathogens all around us all the time. When you provide them with the environment they like, they will thrive. Take away that environment and they never take hold in the first place. It’s that simple.

Don’t struggle, call today to set up a consultation.

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If you are having crop issues give Adam a call today to discuss your options.

Adam ~ 352-250-3939