Roselle Apple Sauce Recipe

Roselle is a type of Hibiscus and is often called the Cranberry Hibiscus & Florida Cranberry because of its tart flavor. The calyxes of the Roselle is the part that is used and makes a wonderful tea, hot or cold. It also can be used fresh or dried and pairs well with Holy Basil and Oatstraw for a sun tea. Roselle with rose hips, orange peel and a touch of Spearmint is refreshing served chilled.

This sauce is Ah-Maze-Ing…Seriously! It pairs well with Turkey and is perfect for the holidays.

Here’s what’s in it…

3 Cups chopped Fresh Roselle Calyxes

3 Cups of Gala Apples cut into small cubes

1 Cup Spring Water

1/2 Cup of Tangerine Juice, you can use Orange Juice too

Juice from 1/2 a Lemon

3/4 Cup of Sugar

2 Teaspoons Sea Salt

2 Teaspoons Cinnamon

1 Teaspoon Nutmeg

Put everything in a pot, cover and bring to a strong boil. Turn the heat down to medium-low and simmer for 15-20 minutes, stirring every couple of minutes. That’s it! Easy Peazy.

This made six 8 ounce jars with a little left over…which I quickly ate.

I also do a water bath to make sure it keeps long term. 10 minutes for Florida peeps. If your not familiar with water bath canning you can do a quick internet search for instructions.


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